Imagine a tranquil winter landscape where a solitary horse stands gracefully amidst a grove of aspen trees. The scene is enveloped in a soft blanket of fresh, white snow that glistens under the pale winter sunlight. Surrounding the horse are slender aspen trees, their white bark contrasting beautifully with the deep white of the winter landscape. The branches are bare, but remnants of last autumn's leaves cling stubbornly to some twigs, adding splashes of gold and amber to the otherwise monochromatic scene. It is a beautiful back-drop with pines and the horse occluded in the aspen trees. This is a digital download file that can be taken to your local print shop to enhance it to a large canvas for your office, cabin, family room or other spot of your choice. It can also be printed off in an 8"x 11" or larger size your printer is capable of printing.
